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Who We Are

The Stop TB Partnership (STBP) is sustained by public-private partnership, including the participation of non-governmental actors in its governance and decision-making structures.

The contribution of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the development of the STBP and scale up of its programs is crucial to ending the Tuberculosis (TB) diseases. The STBP’s value for the voices of NGOs is demonstrated by NGO representation and participation on its Board. The participation of the Developing Country NGO Delegation (henceforth referred to as The Delegation) on the Stop TB Board is vital to the principles and practice of the Partnership.

The Constituency

The constituency is made up of all the National NGO

operating in countries defined by the IMF as “emerging/developing economies” with the exception of those headquartered in developed countries. Organization types under this constituency include: faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, health care service providers, advocacy groups, professional associations

The Delegation

The Delegation aims to contribute to and influence Stop TB (STBP) policies and practices in an effort to make them continually and appropriately responsive to the needs of those affected by Tuberculosis and HIV, AIDS and the NGOs and CBOs providing necessary services. The defining feature of this delegation to STBP processes and policies is its ability to bring the perspectives as representatives from countries and implementers.

STBP Board Members are expected to be technically competent in the areas of public health, human rights and development. The Delegation has an added responsibility of both representing and being accountable to diverse constituencies from across the developing world. In addition, The Delegation must increase demand for transparency, effective communication, meaningful consultation and accountability.


Subrat Mohanty

Afro Global Alliance - Ghana

Obiefuna Austin Arinze

Stop TB Nigeria

Mayowa Joel

KHANA Cambodia

Choub Sok Chamerun

Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE)

Amara Quesada

PAS Center Modolva

Liliana Caraulan

Eannaso Tanzania

Rodrick Mugishagwe

Philip Waweru Mbugua

Parceria Brasileira Contra TB

Márcia Leão

Afro Global Alliance Ghana

Rachel Otu- Amponsah


Bertrand Kampoer

Afro Global Alliance Ghana

Abudu Imoro


Subrat Mohanty

Subrat Mohanty is a social development professional with nearly 29 years of experience in the field of health and development. He currently leads the strategic coordination across health projects at Humana People to People India, where he is responsible for overseeing the execution of various large-scale health initiatives. His expertise lies in the management and coordination of complex projects and national-level programs, including USAID-supported projects.

Prior to his current role, Subrat served as a Senior Advisor at REACH, where he played a critical role in driving the organization’s objectives. He has extensive experience in leading, managing, and implementing Global Fund Grants as the Principal Recipient in India, further demonstrating his capacity to manage high-impact international health funding.

In addition to his programmatic leadership, Subrat actively contributes to global health policy and advocacy. He currently serves as a Board Member representing the Developing Country NGO Delegation on the STOP TB Partnership Board. He is also an important voice within the UNITAID Civil Society Delegation and a member of the National TB Forum in India, where he works to influence policy and strategic approaches to addressing tuberculosis on both national and international levels.His leadership in various international and national health forums underscores his expertise and passion for combating global health challenges.

Afro Global Alliance - Ghana

Obiefuna Austin Arinze

Obiefuna Austin Arinze is a Law graduate from Nigeria resident in Ghana and a Member of the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Stop TB partnership. He has worked with Afro Global Alliance where he is the Executive Director with vast experience working globally. He has chalked many successes including advising governments, CSOs, and other partners on public health design and implementation and integrated support programmes including behavioural change, human rights and building partnerships. He has also served in other capacities, was a member and former Vice-Chair of the Ghana Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism CCM, former member of the Ghana National TB Advisory Board, and was the founding National Coordinator of the Stop TB Partnership Ghana. He represents Africa on the Executive Board of the International Union Against TB and Lung Diseases Paris and also the Secretary General of the UNION Africa Region. Obiefuna is a World Health Organisation consultant and a member of the WHO AFRO Regional Green Light Committee.

Stop TB Nigeria

Mayowa Joel

Mayowa Joel is a Development Specialist and the Alternate Board Member representing Developing Country NGOs on the Stop TB Executive Board. With special focus on public health, Mayowa is the Executive Secretary of Stop TB Partnership Nigeria – a multi-stakeholder partnership working to end TB in Nigeria. He is also the Executive Director of Communication for Development Centre – an organization promoting effective and sustainable health and development programs in Africa. He provides technical assistance and manages programs on different development issues especially public health; community systems strengthening; socio-economic empowerment etc. He serves as resource person to many organizations and plays key roles in several committees and networks at the national, regional and global levels. He also contributes to wide range of articles and publications on health and development.

KHANA Cambodia

Choub Sok Chamerun

Choub Sok Chamreun, known as Chamreun is currently the Executive Director of Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA). Chamreun has involved in public health over the past two decades and half. In addition to the experiences in primary health care, in the past twenty years, He is actively involved in the HIV, AIDS and TB prevention, care, support and treatment through his tireless efforts/commitment and activism in community mobilizations, community system strengthening and community and key population networks institutional and advocacy capacity development.

Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE)

Amara Quesada

Amara Quesada is the Executive Director of Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE), Inc., an NGO in the Philippines, which has been working on HIV and AIDS, TB, human rights and gender and sexuality issues among key and vulnerable populations, particularly migrant workers and their families, people who use drugs, sex workers, people living with HIV and young key populations.

She is the Principal Representative of ACHIEVE as a NGO representative to the Philippine National AIDS Council and a Steering Committee member of the Philippine Migrant Health Network. ACHIEVE also leads an NGO advocacy platform, the Network to Stop AIDS Philippines, and serves as the Secretariat of the United TB-HIV Advocates Network.

PAS Center Modolva

Liliana Caraulan

Liliana Caraulan is a public health specialist with 19 years of experience in managing programs related to communicable diseases, health and community system strengthening, and CRG in Moldova and Easter Europe, and the Central Asia Region.

She has been linked to national Global Fund TB and HIV programs since round 1in Moldova, led the multi-country, multi-partner Global Fund TB grant for EECA region (TB-REP 2.0), and has a has a rich regional technical assistance record to various stakeholder in EECA, including Global Fund’.

She is the CRG strategic advisor for the Union for Equity and Health actively promotes human rights, social justice, and gender equality in the context of public health and safety in Moldova, and serves in a number of boards, board constituencies, Working Groups, Task Force, and Committees with Global Fund, Stop TB Partnership, WHO EURO and SEE RCN regional affected communities’ networks.

Eannaso Tanzania

Rodrick Mugishagwe

Rodrick Mugishagwe is a highly accomplished Project Management Specialist currently with over 8 years of experience in TB programs in East and Southern Africa and currently serving as a Program Manager at EANNASO and coordinates TB CS and communities in Tanzania through TTCN to amplify their voices and advocate for their needs and take ownership of their health outcomes and drive positive change.

Rodrick is a dedicated TB advocate with a profound commitment to improving the lives of those affected by TB. He serves as a member Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Stop TB Partnership Board, Ministry of Health Tanzania Community TB & Mining Technical Working Groups, Board member of the Stop TB Partnership Tanzania, Regional Coordinating Mechanism Oversite Chairperson for the TB in the Mines in Southern Africa, Member of the WHO CSO Commission, Member of TBCI Technical Working Group and Member of the Tanzania TB Constituency to the TNCM.

Philip Waweru Mbugua

Philip Waweru Mbugua has over twenty years’ experience with HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria programs in East Africa. He is the founder and Executive Director of National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE), headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Philip is a member of the Board of the Stop TB Partnership Kenya and the Chairman of Africa Capacity Alliance (ACA). He holds an MA degree in Rural Sociology and Community Development from the University of Nairobi and a BA in Literature and Sociology from Kenyatta University.

Parceria Brasileira Contra TB

Márcia Leão

Afro Global Alliance Ghana

Rachel Otu- Amponsah

Rachel Otu- Amponsah has a degree in economics,linguistics and law. She is a member of the Ghana Bar Association and a health advocate. She currently works with Afro global Alliance Ghana where she supports the TB33 campaign and Deadly divide 2.0. She has good communication skills and particularly interested in enforcement of human right, health awareness and advocacy campaigns of epidemic and pandemics in our society.


Bertrand Kampoer

Bertrand is a Public health expert with special focus on health and Community Systems Strengthening, gender and human rights. Over the last five years, he has carried out more than 20 technical assistance missions in West and Central Africa to scale up TB preventive treatment, capacity building of health care providers, and sustained community engagement. In 2018, he joined the World Health Organization TB Civil Society Task Force to help
translate WHO TB policies, including the End TB Strategy, into practice by integrating the views of TB affected communities and their networks at global, regional and national levels. Bertrand holds a Master in Public Health (Health Promotion) from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lorraine, and Nancy School of Public Health in France. Bertrand is the current board Chair of GCTA (Global Coalition of TB Advocate) and Coordinator of DRAF TB (www.draftb.org) a Regional umbrella TB network in Francophone Africa bringing together 16 countries with more 200 members associations of TB affected communities and survivors.

Afro Global Alliance Ghana

Abudu Imoro

Mr. Abudu Imoro has joined the delegation as the Communication Focal point. An experienced Human Resource and Operations Manager with over 15 years of work experience in Human Resource Management, Operations, Community Mobilization and Civil Society engagement. He has implemented community based projects in Tuberculosis, Malaria with funding and collaboration from the World Health Organization and the Civil Society Challenge Facility.


Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s leading infectious disease, killing around 1.5 million people each year. Despite global and national efforts to end TB and the availability of cost effective medicines to treat and cure it, too many people continue to suffer from this old disease.


Subrat Mohanty | Board Member
Email: subrat@reachindia.org.in


Developing Country NGOs Delegation To The Stop TB Partnership
C/o AGA – Afro Global Alliance Ghana
45 Labawaleshie Road East Legon Accra
P O Box 695 – Laterbiokoshie, Accra


Phone: +233 (0) 302 924085 – 6
Mobile: +233 (0) 244 616699 / +233 (0) 0208 251775